
It was 2012 when the term Full Stack Developer appeared in various blog posts and job descriptions. Companies began to think hiring developers for one language was no longer profitable. Therefore, they hired a full stack developer who can solve tasks. The full stack developer can understand both frontend and backend, helping to bring two groups together.

Sometimes, developers spend most of their time figuring out misunderstandings, ending with lengthy meetings. At this point, we need a full stack developer who knows both processes and quickly resolves bugs. A full stack programmer can understand the problems on both sides and translate them into code. This is just one case where a full stack developer can make a big difference. This blog post will discuss a complete guide on why and how to hire a full stack developer.

What is a Full Stack developer?

Full Stack development is divided into two main components: frontend and backend development. In the frontend, everything is about the site or what the user sees and interacts with on the application. While in the backend, it’s responsible for the logic and processing of user interaction added inside the application. In short, it is called the brain of an application.

FeaturesInclude navigation, typography, icons, layout, forms, buttons, and alerts.It adds session management, caching, authorization, and performance optimization.
ToolsInclude text editors, browsers, and frameworks like ReactJS or AngularJS libraries.It includes web servers, integrated development environments, database management systems, and text editors to write and publish code.
TechnologiesIt has HTML, JavaScript, React, Angular, React Native, Ionic, and BootStrap.It includes PHP, Java, Ruby on Rails, Python, NodeJS, and .Net.
Programming LanguagesIt includes CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and ReactJS. It helps to define the structure of a page, CSS to style, and JavaScript to add interactivity.It includes PHP, Ruby on Rails, Java, .Net, Python, and NodeJS.


Together, frontend and backend make up a full stack developer’s skill set. Also, note that being a full stack developer does not mean that the programmer has mastered everything needed to work with the frontend or backend.

Types of Full Stack developers

Here, we have a list of a few types of full stack developers. Learn more about the main types of full stack programmers.

MEAN Stack

MEAN Stack is here to support programs written in JavaScript and developers consider this framework the best web development technology. As it consists of four components like MongoDB( NoSQL DB), ExpressJS (backend web framework), AngularJS (frontend framework), and NodeJS(open source cross-platform server) are used for developing complex mobile and web applications.

Check out: Which is better: MEAN Stack or Full Stack

MERN Stack

MERN has a few variations where ReactJS replaces the traditional angular front-end framework. Moreover, the MERN stack uses JSX for JavaScript modification by creating single-page applications with adding an interactive user interface. The one single drawback of using full stack MERN is its functionality limitations.

LAMP Stack

LAMP comes with Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl/Python. It is a software development framework that uses four layers in its platform. These components comprise Linux-based web servers that support each other and form the software stack. It comes with efficiency and flexibility by providing a route for accessing software, content, and other web-based tools.

LEMP Stack

LEMP is a collection of Linux OS, Nginx Server, MySQL Database, and PHP. It is open-source and is used to create dynamic web applications. Nginx can handle multiple requests in one thread and does not allow additional configuration. If you’re looking for scalability and a static website LEMP is the right stack technology.

Django Stack

It is a high-level python web framework called Django that helps to create dependable and safe websites. As it comes under a complete stack framework, it can easily handle difficulties and allows you to concentrate on developing your application. It provides web app development without installation or dependency problems.

Ruby on Rails (RoR) Stack

If you are developing a web app or mobile app, RoR is here to help you through each stage of implementation. There are companies that build amazing web apps on both frontend and backend, choose them to work on your RoR stack project.

Advantages to using Full Stack development for businesses

An all-around knowledge of frontend, database, and backend

Any full stack developer is an expert in all tiers like frontend, backend, and database. These comprehensive solutions come with lesser bugs and higher efficiency. It helps to make debugging the code easy and testing the product effectively.

More learning and greater opportunity

The developers in the entire stack domain get to learn more, and this helps them to create an opportunity to expand their wings. Besides this, the developer can enjoy the plentiful learning opportunity from both frontend and backend, allowing them to constantly learn, upgrade and polish their skills throughout their careers.

Hire Full Stack developers to improve scalability and visibility

Full stack programmer comes with a solution to keep the entire design structure in mind. They do not think from one perspective instead give a solution that works best for both frontend and backend. Moreover, as the developer has higher visibility based on the program structure, it is represented on the frontend. It also comes with improved scalability, allowing businesses to handle increased loads or traffic without significantly changing their applications.

Complete ownership

If you have worked as a quality assurance engineer for a project, you might have a clear idea about the constant shunting of responsibility between the frontend and back end. The full stack developer is solely responsible for code development and bug resolution.

Full Stack developer challenges

Working on multiple technologies

You must be proficient in front and backend development as a full-stack developer. Therefore, you need to be familiar with both developments. As for the front end, you need to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while for the back end, you need to use PHP, NodeJS, or Ruby on Rails. It can be daunting and imperative for the project’s success.

Manage frontend and backend development

It is another challenge that comes with a difficult task as different team members constantly work on each aspect of the project. A full stack developer’s job is that everyone is coordinated and working on the same goal. Moreover, you can look for an advanced web development certificate course from Udemy, Coursera, Simplilearn, Agile Academy, etc.

When should you hire a full stack developer?

We can find ample reasons to why hire a full stack developer. Let’s explore here.

Versatile approach

Any full stack developer knows the technical requirements of the business as it allows them to provide excellent solutions compared to any web developer. Moreover, the developers use a streamlined and fast-track delivery to control the website’s server-side and client-side.

Extensive know-how

As a full stack developer who has worked on various projects, experience is endowed with an in-depth knowledge of multiple technologies. Any professional full stack developer can improve the usability of the web project. To get a long-term solution and ensure the optimal functioning of the website.

Dexterous skills

Full stack developers can help businesses to expand further, build codes and manage the appearance and interaction of the site in a browser. Backend developers can build prototype codes for websites and connect with other content management systems.

Excellent problem-solving capabilities

Professional full stack developers can help to improve web project usability. The developers are knowledgeable enough to put in place long-term solutions to ensure the website’s optimal functioning.

Cater to design structure

Not only do full stack developers take care of coding, but they also cater to design and user interface design structuring. They take one step ahead in managing and optimizing the current structures.

Cost-effective services

If you’re short on budget and still need a spectacular site, hiring a full stack developer is an excellent way. All you need is to recruit developers for a single project and efficiently manage all aspects of the work. Collaborate and segregate work responsibilities and get better results with on-time project delivery.

Final thought

Full stack development allows emerging frontier of technology with cutting-edge companies. As the industry is growing, it offers many career opportunities. If you’re thinking of becoming a web developer or a full stack developer, start pursuing your dream. Check out entire stack development companies if you want to hire dedicated developers to brand your business.

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Full Stack developer FAQ

What is Full Stack development?

A full stack developer is a professional expert in both frontend and backend. The Full Stack development team has an excellent knowledge base and versatility. Therefore their job market is very competitive.

How long does it take to become a full stack developer?

To master as a full-stack developer is a long process, and standing on two feet can take time. Moreover, it depends on the training and methods you have chosen.

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