Recently, Web app development has done much of the talking in choosing the right Stack for your custom software application development needs. Dive in to understand what Stack means for your project, benefits, importance and understand the concept of Stack with ease.


What is Stack?

A stack mainly refers to a combination of programming language and technology that comes primarily in two types such as application stack and technology Stack. A technology stack is a cross-disciplinary approach used in the software development process. Here in this blog, we’ll mainly focus on understanding the most popular Stack and knowing its attributes and feasibility by making it suitable for your business. 


How to know which Stack to choose?

As the rise of agile development methods is continuously increasing, one can choose the correct technical infrastructure that helps to maximize the business ROI. Additionally, before selecting the Stack for business, one needs to consider the below things:

  • Need to outperform the project expectation for the audience
  • Having particular project requirements
  • Incorporating agility
  • Scalability and Flexibility of the dev team
  • Total dev cost has to be borne

Full Stack Development

Talking about web development, full-stack development plays a major role. It’s a kind of development that provides a solution for back-end, front-end, testing, and mobile application. The full stack developer certainly means taking care of the entire design structure of a project. Full-stack development chooses front-end technologies including CSS, SPA, JS, and other backend development tech, including Node.Js, Python, Go, PHP, and databases, including SQLite and MYSQL. The DevOps concept includes CI and Cd and adds aspects of mobile app development that use Android and iOS.


Benefits of Full Stack

  • The developers can easily switch between front-end and back-end development roles based on project needs.
  • It comes with comprehensive solutions that root the problem and fix it across Stack.
  • The design structure is entirely different during development.
  • Full-stack is ideal for small to medium-sized enterprises helping compartmentalized web development.

It comes with different full-stack frameworks, including Mean Stack and Mern Stack. Let’s understand both Mean Stack and Mern Stack to clear the doubt.


Mean Stack

Mean Stack is one of the most popular Stack that comes with a collection of JS-based technologies commonly used for web app and website development. In simple terms, Mean Stack mainly helps developers be in high demand and offer services to large companies. It leverages the power of the Stack to ensure rapid deployment of website and web apps by solving complex development challenges.


Benefits of MEAN Stack

  • The mean stack development services use JavaScript to cover the entire spectrum from front-end to back-end.
  • It comes with a robust set of in-built testing tools.
  • The Mean stack developers develop an app that mainly reduces the monotonous and reducing the task by simplifying the development.
  • It offers excellent community support by adding an open-source project.

Components of Mean stack

MongoDB: It mainly stores the data in back-end applications that are used in JSON files.

AngularJS: It’s a front-end framework that mainly runs the code in the browser.

ExpressJS: It’s a back-end app that runs on top of Node.js

NodeJS: It comes with a runtime system for JavaScript used for a back-end web app.

Mean Stack is one prominent tool used as whole code in JavaScript. It can be easy for beginners to explore and learn more. The mean stack helps to support libraries and reuse modules that deliver a scalable minimum viable product.


Working With Mean Stack

The Mean Stack is mainly used to build a web app in JavaScript and handle JSON. Let’s understand each step of this architecture.


Angular.JS front end

It comes on the top of the Mean stack and is a self-styled JavaScript Framework. It allows extending HTML tags with metadata while creating a dynamic and interactive web experience using powerful methods.


Express.JS and Node.Js

It comes after Angular.JS and runs on the Node.JS server. It is pretty fast and comes with a minimalist web framework for Node.Js with robust URL routing. Also, it helps in handling HTTP response and request time.


MongoDB Database

Whenever we need to store data, one requires a database similar to MongoDB. JSON documents created Angular.JS front end with sending it to Express.js server by processing and stored directly in the database.

Don’t forget to check this first – What to Choose: MEAN Stack or Full Stack Developer


MERN Stack

MERN means MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS. The framework used here is very fast and easy to use with web and mobile applications. Let’s get to know each other in a better way.

MongoDB: It’s document-oriented SQL data mainly used to store all the back-end applications.

ExpressJS: It’s a layered framework built on the top of NodeJS while taking the website back-end functionality and its structure.

ReactJS offers a library that facilitates and creates the best user interface components for creating a single-page web application.  

NodeJS offers a runtime environment for the user capable of creating runtime JavaScript on machine learning.


Benefits of MERN Stack

  • The MERN stack is mainly used for front-end to back-end by using the JS.
  • It’s open-source community support and has an extensive set of testing tools.
  • It supports MVC architecture with a smooth development process.

Working Architecture of MERN Stack


React.JS Front-End

React JS is on the top of the development stack that’s declarative JavaScript Framework with creating dynamic client applications. It helps us build complex interfaces through simple components and connect with the back-end server.


Express.JS and Node.JS

It plays a similar role that it was playing in Mean stack with an identical working pattern, just like routing and handling the response time.


MongoDB Database

It works similarly to the MEAN stack with creating the front-end server and processing the same way.


MEAN Stack vs MERN Stack

MEAN Stack MERN Stack
It’s a JavaScript Framework.It’s an Open-Source JS library.
It comes with a technology stack that mainly compromises with MongoDB, Angular, Express, and Node.It mainly comprises MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS.
It comes with better productivity.It offers less productivity.
It mainly uses TypeScript language.It uses JavaScript and JSX.
It uses learning curve names as steep.It comes with better documentation.
It does not support mobile versions.It supports mobile applications.
The data flow is bidirectional. The data flow is unidirectional.

Wrap up

Today, in web development, choosing the right Stack is a must. One needs to have a thorough understanding of the project’s needs and know its cost. The companies should look for the best dev team to help you provide easy and ongoing support when required. We have an excellent full-stack development team that offers you support through a custom software development team.

If you’re looking for a professional team of experts in web development services, connect with us. We are a Full Stack, MEAN, and MERN stacks app development service provider to help you offer the best suitable services based on your business.

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