Google is testing different indexing and presentation models in mobile search results as a part of Mobile App Indexing. With Google’s new announcement it indicates a potential delay and launching Mobile App Indexing. A few years back, Google was struggling to integrate AMP results in the Mobile-First index. But after 2018, Google is all set to add Mobile SEO which indicates the future of Mobile-First Indexing is bright. Let’s move on to understand how indexing works. 

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What is Mobile App Indexing?

Mobile App Indexing is an SEO tool that allows businesses to index app content found when SEO queries on Google from mobile devices. It’s a tool created by Google to get higher search ranking results. If any user installs this search tool for any relevant query using its phone, then Google will show the link directly within their application. 

Why do we need a Mobile app Indexing?

A Mobile App Indexing mainly implemented to create a more integrated mobile experience online, which allows more sales and opportunities to the users. For various businesses, it helps mobile web browsers to access content specifically designed for mobile. The tool does help to navigate seamlessly on a smartphone or tablet. Dive in to know more:

  • To meet Mobile demands: Mobile Indexing will make web browsing more convenient for users and profitable for a business who designs applications accordingly. The user will get more benefits from new segment information that is specially made for mobile. 
  • To stay updated with search Rankings: Applications links to your website can provide a positive impact on search ranking. Google considers mobile app indexing with indexing a positive sign of engaging customers. 
  • To drive more engagements: Lots of businesses are struggling to get users into applications. One can download the application, but if they don’t see many features, they’ll uninstall it. So, to gain valuable required content, indexing is done to direct users to relevant information throughout the app. 
  • To get seamless user experience: With increased user experience for mobile users. Users will get immediate access to the content, so you don’t see any annoying splash screen, prompts, advertisement and other login screens. 

How to execute Mobile App Indexing?

It is mandatory to prepare your website content and look into its setup with ensuring that everything is in working order. Check how we can execute the mobile app indexing. 

1) For enabling app indexing in your mobile application

Set up Android App indexing by adding intent filters to the application. Restrict to specific content that will include in your index. 

2) To add deep links in your website.

Before app indexing, one needs to add the app indexing API and update the project by ensuring that the project includes Google Play Services. 

3) To connect your app to the website 

4) To verify and later make sure that your app set up to work well with the Google Play store

The last step is to verify the application indexing and execute it correctly. Check the process to verify your website.

  • Sign in to Google Play Developer Console
  • Click on all platforms
  • Choose the application
  • Click on services and APIs
  • Click on to verify the website and enter the website address
  • Return to Google Webmaster tools
  • Click on the approve button
  • Review the information before approving

How testing with Mobile App Indexing?

Google provides a cool deep link testing tool that allows adding deep linking in a test box with generating QR code to scan using an Android barcode scanner app. The tool should open a browser page by adding a link to your phone. Now open the deep link that you enter in the text box.  

How to Check for Error in Webmaster Tools? 

It’s mandatory to check for errors in Webmaster tools. Today, Mobile app indexing is quite useful for several businesses as it helps in boosting sales. Mobile app indexing provides a way to provide information that people want for easy accessibility. One can take advantage of the opportunity and widen the audience by giving the mobile customer the information you’re looking for. Now increase the traffic, increase sales, and deepen customer engagement with checking the error using Webmaster tools

Why is App Store Optimization and how it differs from SEO for Apps?

We can call App Store Optimization is an iterative process to improve the visibility of your app in mobile app stores. ASO will increase its ranking in relevant search rankings. The most crucial differences between the two are SEO and ASO. However, ASO happens in mobile app stores such as Google Play, Apple App store, and more. While SEO mainly focuses on Google’s web searches. 

How to optimize your App Store Search?

We’ll find several ASO aspects that come with basic ones. We should be available on every marketer’s radar like Keywords, Rating and Reviews, and App Title along with adding several downloads. It means to appear in-app store search results; we need to consider app indexes that strategically put keywords into the title, short description, keyword fields, and other descriptions. 

Additionally, we have tools that track ranking in app store searches. However, if you want to measure your app’s search performance, then take action in the same tool. To rank in Google search results, you need to show an appropriate number of app downloads and a good number of app reviews. It’s the work of every developer to work on good design, good navigation, useful features and have great ranking to attract an audience. Doing these we can achieve more loyal customers and generate steady revenue. 

If you want to gain knowledge to learn more about SEO and ASO, check this. Why Search Engine Optimization is Advantageous?

What are the Mobile-First Options available for the Web?

With above all discussion, it’s hard to focus on development efforts done by keeping SEO in mind. Google has introduced mobile site development options that seem to be working well with mobile-first indexing due to its reliance on feeds, APIs, and Google hosting. We’ll find several options that get priority in mobile search results and are algorithmically preferred. 

PWA (Progressive Web Apps): We often call Progressive Web apps as PWAs where HTML5 and JavaScript behave like native apps. An application shall control the template and the behavior of the PWA display which is set to pre-cache using CacheAPI and elements are held in the phone’s local storage called IndexedDB API. 

Check this Ultimate Guide to Progressive Web Apps

PWAmp Mobile Apps: Lots of developers who build great PWAs also leverage AMP code to improve load time for better user experience. The webmaster can use AMP HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT code to get most of the speed benefits, even if the pages never intended to validate. Google hosted AMP URLs that serve original AMP pages on the primary domain. It does allow an AMP valid PWAmp page which would enable better tracking and control of the interaction after the initial page load. 

Google My Business Landing Pages: It’s for businesses who want to control results in Google Maps and other Google Local queries. The content you submit to Google is already hosted in the database in Google’s Cloud and doesn’t need an API. Google can soon renew their efforts and promote Google Business interactions as it fits with the goals of enabling more audiences to leverage web content without the involvement of developers. 

Wrap up

To sum up everything, we need to hire a mobile app development company to get better results. To perform excellently in both web and mobile app stores employ mobile app developers and drive great organic app downloads. You need to master SEO and ASO and run on the right track to grow your businesses globally. Optimize your app data and appear in organic search with ensuring higher ROI as your app marketing doesn’t depend on paid user acquisition methods. 

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