Every single business requires some sort of online credibility for doing business. Based on Internet Live Stats, there are over 1.5 billion websites active with an estimate of 200 million to add more.

Today if we talk about glittery tech news and filter out self-driving cars and another space journey, then the most worked tech we’ll find is related to web development. Mobile and web application development is increasing in keeping with new trends and innovations every year.

With this, it becomes essential for the decision-maker to sharpen the knowledge of web application development trends and keep up with the latest news to stand among the rising competition. The behavior of users is tough to judge as it fluctuates from time to time, and they want something new and unique every time. Being the owner of a business, it is your responsibility to watch the current technology trends and adapt them to your existing business. It will improve your business area and will help you to get a considerable profit. The need for Web App Development is getting high, and that’s why it has become an essential task to choose only a leading company to develop a web app for your business.

Plenty of web technologies are evolving at a rapid rate, and it is forcing entrepreneurs to walk with current technology trends. That’s why it is essential to know about the latest web app development trends and adopt them in your business area as per your business requirements. Developers from all over the world are also getting the chance to learn new trends and work on different technologies for web application development. It is always beneficial to work on current technology and develop an outstanding and unique web application that the user will love to use. It will still benefit your business and will help you to get a huge customer base and of course, a vast profit.

Here is the list of Web App Development Trends to watch in 2020

  • AI-based Chatbots
  • Motion UI
  • Blockchain
  • PWA (Progressive Web Apps)
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  • Single Page Application (SPA) 
  • Augmented Reality
  • Voice Search Optimization
  • Automation Testing
  • JavaScript Frameworks
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Responsive Websites
  • Push Notifications
  • Cyber Security

Let’s Elaborate on the Top Web Application Development Trends

1) Huge Contribution to Artificial Intelligence Based Chatbots

In the current technology-based world, we are moving towards new developments and advancements in the IT field. It is making every person curious to know the latest trends and think about using them in their business to get more and more customers. If we talk about chatbots and the use of Artificial Intelligence, then it is assumed that the use of AI-based web apps is going to explode in the coming years. Chatbots are providing new ways to developers for developing interactive online stores having full supportive and instant online assistance for customers whenever they have a query to ask. They will expect an immediate reply.

It is estimated that in the coming years, AI-based chatbots will change the whole working of chatbots in web apps. The entire interaction will proceed without having any human support, and things will be done automatically. The new and advanced chatbots which are based on Artificial Intelligence will play an essential role by understanding live speech and providing proper feedback to users as per their queries.

Don’t miss: How AI is the future of Mobile App Development?

2) Impact of Motion UI on Web Apps

The motto of Motion UI lies in assisting developers in designing a website with a minimal approach and an attractive design to provide users with the best user experience. Also, motion UI will avoid the unnecessary use of flash content and different GIFs. It will soon get too much popularity and animations will let developers use styling for the development needed to build a unique website having a static user interface. Such websites will stand out from other competitive websites that are already available in the market. 

Users get irritated by seeing a lot of flash messages, ads, and content, GIFs while surfing a web application. To avoid all such things, it is essential to utilize motion UI to develop a moderate design that will get massive appreciation from users.

Motion UI allows developers to design and develop a simple web app that will get more and more customers with it and will provide smooth web development that will help your website to shine among millions of other websites. Using animations, developers will get a chance to include different styles and develop an excellent site having static UI.

3) Blockchain – A Secured Data Storage

The Blockchain is a new and evolving technology mainly used for massive data storage which is getting enormous demand in the market because of its impressive high-security feature. It uses cryptography to store different data in blocks that are internally linked. With the use of blockchain, there is no need for any third-party medium or any intermediate while performing the financial transaction process. Every transaction will get full confirmation and depends on the algorithms that are defined for this reason only, rather than trusting numerous computers. We know that the bulk of the information is stored on all the computers from all around the world, but now with the help of blockchains, we can keep all this massive information more securely.

Get to know: How Blockchain is a Game Changer?

Also Read: What are the future trends of Blockchain Technology?

With the increased demand for blockchain, the need for blockchain-based web apps is escalating this year and will be going to explode in the coming years too. Multinational banks finally identified the real potential and importance of blockchain, and they had given a positive response about using blockchain technology in the systems as it provides high security for the massive stored data. That’s why it said that in the coming years, the use and importance of blockchain for web app development need would increase at a higher rate providing substantial security features.

4) PWA (Progressive Web Apps)

PWA technology gained modern developers and investors who can perform better and work close to native apps. In the year 2020, PWA will be written with HTML and CSS, React, Angular, and JavaScript. Several news platforms, eCommerce, and companies with low budgets can reach a bigger audience without losing it on the app downloading stage. PWA can help in changing money algorithms in the App Store and Google Play market where paid apps share profits with app aggregators.

Check: Quick tips for choosing the right mobile app: PWA vs. Hybrid App vs. Native App

5) Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

AMP optimizes pages that can operate fast and have a simplified yet convenient design with basic features compared to full-scope web products. Several pages are mobile-friendly, and the content is readable easily. AMP development is a part of web design which shows that the internet is becoming more user-oriented. It gives organizations a chance to save on UX and help users to gain faster internet speed. Get to see how smaller niche products are competing with tremendous market leaders.

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6) Single Page Application (SPA)

SPA is one of the current website trends that avoids seamless communication and shows better page performance. SPA has gained its popularity with the rise of JavaScript. Various Google trends have mentioned that in the future, more complex and functional websites will be constructed with SPAs. You can get instant feedback where the site will consume less and work without server-side code at all.

7) Voice Search Optimization

The future of web development is more of a voice and less of text. In the year 2020 have bought smart and IoT devices that execute commands by giving voice-over it. The appliance will recognize the different voices and provide personalized AI-based experiences. Today companies are puzzling over with optimizing physical and digital products using voice commands. It can help in saving time and allow users to order online services within no time. As voice usage is more powerful, you can check the user behavior analytics.  

8) Automation Testing

Users can aim to merge web technologies and make the development process cheaper by providing users with the best experiences. There are several development tools available that use the Machine Learning and AI approach to building complex projects with a small team and fewer development experts. Reduce the test cycle and get a better end product for less money. Hire Automation Testing developer to get bug-free software and satisfy customers. 

Check: Handy checklist for adopting automation testing

9) Augmented Reality – An Interactive Web Development Trend

Augmented Reality is a new evolving trend for web app development. It provides simple, fast, and interactive development trends. All the people using different social media platforms are integrating Augmented Reality in their social media platforms to get a wider reach for their business area. AR is specially used for adding an opted feature the same as Snapchat has for its users, i.e. Bitmoji which allows people to add their project using the camera of an app.

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Developers find it easy to work with Augmented Reality and bring excellent features to the web application as per user demands. That’s why it is always a challenging task to choose the best Web Development Company in India or the USA to get the expected result for your business area. We all know this fact that the growing technology is taking our IT Fraternity to the next successful level and this is raising the bar of everybody’s business. It is always beneficial to adopt new technology trends and get better results for your particular business area.

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10) JavaScript Frameworks

The JavaScript framework standardizes the language and creates a convenient front-end system that benefits users. The frameworks involve UI, UX testing, and product tech management aspects which are based on active components to compose working on a website. The language is based on library integrations. Users can get immediate feedback without page reloads, fast performance, coding simplicity, and more.

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11) Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is a network of interconnected devices that requires no actions to execute operations and perform useful results. Today as IoT is rising, we can develop an ability to make human life easier and more convenient. Become less overloaded with routine tasks and invest cognitive resources in more complicated ones.

12) Push Notifications

The future of web development is here, consider web apps to perform ready-to-use solutions that could easily adjust blogs, online shopping platforms, and other services. Facebook, Global news platform, Google Mail, and other huge market players that implement technology into web apps. At the same time, you can get instant notifications that can replace communication types such as email sending and other activities.

13) Boost your Conversions by Developing Single Page Website

Single-page websites are making a massive impact on your business by boosting your conversions as we know that unique page websites have all the information on one page only and provide natural scrolling to the user to access all the information on a single page. These websites are not meant for e-commerce platforms but work impressively for mobile sites. The most crucial benefit of a single-page website is that the user will not suffer by moving from one tab to another, and there is no multi-menu or navigation.

However, single-page websites are long scrollable websites, but it has everything on one page for users to easily read on their SmartPhone. Hence such websites are considered as user-friendly websites that provide full ease for users to access the site and for designers & developers to develop a single-page website. Also, the entrepreneurs will save the cost of development, designing, hosting, and deployment by building a single-page website. Such sites are best in bringing more and more conversions for your business and are highly efficient for mobile users.

Key Takeaway

In the current technological era, every technology is booming with new and fresh updates. Such changes and updations in the techs are always beneficial for growing your business to a new successful level. Web development is a field that will never go out of the industry. It will change and update with time. These changes help get new customers and engage with your old valuable customers.

With the growing web app development trends of 2020, different businesses will get a better chance to shine in the market with enhancements to their website. The right time is here to boost your business by adopting the current web application development trends and slay the web market. If you’ve planned to update your web product in 2020, then go for it. Hire a web development company or web developer to look through modern trends in web development.

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